Friday, July 3, 2015

Delta Rae - All Good People

This (mostly) a cappella song was written in the wake of the events of the past couple years wherein story and story of unarmed black Americans being killed by police and not being done justice by “the system” dominated the news media and public consciousness. I appreciate this song all the more given that this artist is a South-based group of white members. This song was released 2 weeks ago, the day after the racism-motivated shooting at a black church in Charleston, South Carolina, and the lyrics make reference to the death of Eric Garner, who was choked to death by the police while telling them he couldn’t breathe. Like the first song I posted by them, there’s a Southern gospel sound to this one, and since its message is in part related to an event at a black church that suits the theme well. (I started liking this artist because of their Southern gothic aesthetic, but since then I’ve come to appreciate them more upon learning of their investment in social issues and incorporation of it into their art.)
Note: Listening in HD is recommended!

Delta Rae - All Good People:

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