Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Kazaky - Touch Me

I found this Ukrainian artist through a YouTube playlist (as in, a playlist by YouTube itself), which included this, the first music video of theirs I saw. This artist is more of a dance group than a music group, as the members seem to be much better at dancing than singing. The good news is they’re REALLY good at dancing, and do so in high heels. This makes for some pretty entertaining (and visually stunning) music videos. Perhaps more importantly, I found this video pretty darn funny. It turns the anxiety travelers feel about going through airport security on its head by showing the TSA agents being made to feel uncomfortable by the travelers. And check out what the sign indicating the lines for the two types of inspection says!
Note: Since their music on its own isn’t that great, IMO, the main point here is actually their videos. So that’s what you get, in HD! Be warned, though: it’s not family-friendly, and even made a friend of mine uncomfortable when he watched it.

Kazaky - Touch Me:

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